
Thursday, June 16, 2011

Ella and her blankie

I LOVE how Ella needs her bright pink knit blanket to fall asleep. It's the first thing she looks for when I lay her down to sleep. She grabs ahold of it brings it to her nose and mouth then smells and "eats" it! It's so sweet...she loves her nanny (aka blanket).

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Four puppies?

Today our dogs got a "splish splash" thanks to a mobile groomer "Bones and Combs"! :)  As a result we had an additional two dogs roaming around the house for the remainder of the day.  At least all of the animals are getting along!

 Mason and Kona happy and clean!
 Teddy eating his "Scooby snack"
Carter "petting" his brother
The puppies trying to tear open their Scooby snacks! LOL!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Mason is a horse...

I mean dog! LOL! Our animals are apart of our family too, so i thought it was appropriate to include them in our family blog. Mason will be 8 in August and such a good dog. He is half black lab and half great Dane. He sits on the ottoman like he is a human. His bum on the ottoman with his front legs on the ground. It's too funny! Today Teddy decided to ride Mason like a horse!
I will include the other animals later...

Thursday, June 9, 2011

What does this mean?

This morning Ella and I were having our one on one play time (before big brothers wake up) and I found something out. I sat her down in the family room and arranged her toys around her...a purse, a rattle diamond ring, a tray with little cakes (that go with her tea set) and what did she choose to play with??????


Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Some recent pics...

Carter and Licorice (the pony)

Big brother, T trying to give E her bottle

Big girl standing!

2nd day in big boy...

UNDIES!!! I'm very proud of Teddy(and he is pretty proud of himself too). He decided on his own that he was ready and wanted to go in the big boy potty! Yesterday was the first full day with no diapers and he just had one accident. Not bad. Today he was the one who asked for his big boy underwear when he woke up. I'm sure some will read this and think...great job Bear! But, to me it's a HUGE accomplishment and I'm so excited for the prospect of having only ONE in diapers! My life will become just a little bit easier! ;)
So far this blog seems to be all about T, but that makes me happy because I'm always worried about my middle child getting left out. ;)
Carter is doing really well. He will be going to four different camps this summer. I need to keep him busy because that's who he is...a VERY BUSY 4 1/2 year old! This year he will be in Pre-K!
Ella is a doll (my lil doll;)! She will be 9 months in a week. Hard to believe my baby will be one in a few short months. E loves her brothers and always smiles and laughs when she sees them! She doesn't eat much food. She still is a picky eater, but I think we are turning the corner. Yesterday for the first time she ate a jar of carrots! Yay!
E loves to clap now! It's so cute to watch because she seems to know when it's appropriate to clap. LOL. Very sweet.  
T wouldn't let me take a pic of him with his big boy undies on (LOL), so instead I included a picture of my sweet E taken this morning! :)

Sunday, June 5, 2011

5am wake up call!

Starting a blog...

Today a friend encouraged me to start a blog.  I've been thinking about doing it for a long time and today I decided to finally take the plunge!   (Thanks Laura! :))
I have three kids really close in age and time seems to fly by.  They are always saying and doing things that   make my husband and I giggle.  So in an effort to not forget and pass these priceless moments down I'm starting a blog to remember.
My first challenge was to title the blog.  Since I am writing this blog about stories from our family, I found it fitting to name the blog after a phrase my middle son said.  One night he crawled into our bed about two months ago.  Both my husband and I woke up to Teddy moaning and groaning.  As we jumped up concerned he mumbled something that we could not understand.   As our concern grew we asked him to keep repeating what he was saying.   Finally with much conviction but still in a very sweet way he said "Mommy, My hungry hurts"   Translation: WAKE UP...  I AM HUNGY...   We laughed all day about that one.   To me this wraps up kids and our life.   At times, so concerned over what their issues are and on edge to find out if you are running to the ER or the kitchen.      Well thank God that night it was the kitchen....